Low Energy, Adrenal Health &Coritsol Balalnce
What are the Adrenal Glands?
The adrenal glands are two triangular small glands that sit on top of your kidneys.
Adrenal glands produce hormones that help regulate your metabolism, immune system, blood pressure, electrolyte balance, & response to stress. Two types of hormones include:
Steroid hormones: cortisol (one of our STRESS hormones), aldosterone, and precursors for our sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone).
Non-steroid hormones: Adrenaline.
What is HPA disregulation?
Chronic stress, such as prolonged physical or emotional stress, can lead to an overstimulation of the adrenal glands, causing them to become fatigued and less able to produce adequate levels of hormones.
Our body's can handle stress for a short period of time. You may know this as "fight or flight" (or a sympathetic nervous system response) where you feel a burst of energy, alertness, and increased critical thinking. After the stressor is resolved we go back to our calm, restful parasympathetic state.
However in long term stress this system gets tired and exhausted. Hormones (such as cortisol) drop and we feel "exhausted." This affects our Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Axis (HPA): the central nervous system and the endocrine system adjusting the balance of hormones in response to stress. This is also improperly know as Adrenal Fatigue/Exhaustion. HPA exhaustion can result from include long-term stress, lack of sleep, poor diet/ eating irregularly, excessive caffeine consumption, chronic illness, work stress, light exposure, environmental toxins, emotional stress, anxiety and other factors that can place a strain on the body.
Muscle or joint pains
Salt craving
New or worsened high blood pressure
Low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia)
Bone loss, leading to fracture over time
Extreme fatigue
Depression, anxiety and irritability
Cognitive difficulties
Low blood pressure, even fainting
Weight loss and decreased appetite
Muscle weakness
Loss of emotional control
Abdominal pain
Glucose intolerance that may lead to diabetes
Nausea, diarrhea or vomiting
Symptoms of HPA Exhaustion,
Cortisol Imbalance & Fatigue:
How do you test your Cortisol?
One of the ways to see how your adrenal glands are doing is to test your stress hormone levels including cortisol, cortisone, creatinine, DHEA, DHEA-s, neurotransmitter metabolites, and other relevant metabolites. I love using the DUTCH test for this which can include dry urine samples or saliva samples.

How I approach HPA Exhaustion...
HPA Exhaustion is treated by looking at the WHOLE system. First we balance the body chemistry with the appropriate foods that fit your constitution (I love using Chinese medicine principles for this). When your body can absorb nutrients and minerals easily, it doesn't waste energy digesting food.
Next I use herbs,/ supplements to help balance your cortisol and stress response. Other modalities such as acupuncture/homeopathy help the body reboot it's nervous system and allow for deep relaxation as well as organ system balance. I also help you learn how to rewire your stress response in your body using hypnotherapy, breathing and cognitive restructuring.